Monday, October 18, 2010

Action in Mauritius

Hi ,
Here are a few more fishing pictures -since I took the camera that day. The two fish shown are the Mahi-Mahi also known as Dorado or dolphin. The other is a yellow fin tuna. Both are prized game fish especially prized for someone who fishes in New England water. They tend to like warmer water temps like in the gulf stream and down in Baja Mexico or So Cal.
The next fishing entry likely won't be until Viet-Nam when we will spend 3 days aboard a house boat travelling on the Mekong delta. We will stop at small villages and floating markets, I think it sound be fascinating. I hear they have catfish as big as a man in those waters and the water looks like chocolate milk.
Current position:
Latitude- 0' 09N - (we are now back in the Northern Hemishere)
Longitude - 074' 48 E
course 41'
Wind 20 knots
sea swell 7 ft
sea condition 5 ft
ocean temp 84' air temp 82'
sea depth 16171 feet!

Distance to nearest land 345 Nautical miles Maldives
On to Chennai, India and parts there abouts. We are making a get away to a hotel for 3 days and 2 nights . I think we are all ready for a break from the ship board community for a little bit. It is special in so many ways but also can take away from a sense of personal space. Yesterday people (mostly tweens) would not stop holding, trying to hold, tickling , pulling , generally being a pain in the ass w/ Mr. D. I was ready to harm one of these lovely kids ... kidding, but you know, step on their foot by accident or something,.. :) I know its because he's cute and the perfect age to cuddle but the kid isn't up for that all day long especially w/ 20 different people every day.
Enough of my rant- its all good.
"As long as we're travelling toward the unknown, we're on the right track." Rory Nugent


  1. Nice catch JD! The boys think it looks like Nemo. Glad you got a little fishing in ....... maybe in Vietnam you can go out in the basket boats and catch with the nets.

  2. Beautiful fish,Johnnie! The colors of the fish are so vibrant! I am so glad you had a successful day! Tell us more about it when you get a chance.
    Love Mom

  3. JD looks like you had some fun! Did they put up a good fight? Similar to a striper or blue? I bet that Mahi Mahi would have been tastey. Nice work out there Capt. Safe travels to India. MD

  4. I love knowing what the sea is like ,how many miles nautical miles you are to land and where you are exactly. I am glad you are getting our little man awaay from all his adoring fans and yourselves as well.House boat trip sounds fabulous. Garret is going to be the coach on the ice for Jack's game at the Bruins tomorrow night. It is also the opening home game. Much excitement in the Berube household. I can't wait . Off now for Angelo's Birthday mystery ride 'dinner and overnight.
    Love to all,Mom
    I sent Halloween letter and cards to the kids. I hope you get them in VietNam

  5. hi traci and johnnie!

    Debra and Anna told me about the blog! I was so excited to see all the pictures and adventures! It looks like you guys are having the absolute best time! It must be amazing to be on the water all the time... and see all those beautiful places! And Johnnie, haha loved the tweens rant =] and nice catch! that fish is insane! anyway miss you guys a lot, think about you when i pass your house all the time! give hugs to anna banana and layne and mr.d for me! i miss them!

    love and miss you guys!

  6. Hi John, Love the pictures of the fish. Also I liked your rant about the tweens. I would have wanted to do the same thing to them and that is as a nanny let alone as a parent. It is always hard on a little one to be touched all the time even if the person is friendly. Since I have been commenting on your blogs - the other day I realized I haven't been signing off as Lisa Pizza. So from now on I will.... Take Care, Lisa Pizza

  7. JD -
    Nice hookup on the dolphin. I read Zane Grey's short story collection (journal) on fishing this summer. Good read if you haven't. He was fascinated with the colors and game of his first of the first recorded "sport" catches of the species back at the turn of the last century. He was also a hawk on both blue and black marlin...both of which he held the world record for at one point. His technique 100 years ago is exactly what you employed...bonito on a slow troll.

    I will be anxious to hear if you hook one of those big meikong river catfish. It is real sporty fishing...bumping a stinky chicken thigh off the bottom.

    Eleanor got a postcard from her godmother yesterday. Although Wendy is not "signed up" for the blog, she reads it with us daily.

    Lots of coverage here in the states on NPR for the archbishop's birthday and retirement. They did not mention that he's currently aboard the Love-boat.

    Be safe...JLT

  8. so lovely fishes..they are so colorful..Mauritius is really rich not only with their beaches but also with the underwater.i just so love Palmar Beach Hotel Mauritius.
