Sunday, May 20, 2012

Puntarenas, Costa Rica

Hi all,

We made it safely to the ship. It is great to smell the smells of a familiar home away. Our cabin situation is exactly the same as in the same ones 4047 & 4049 !

The kids and I are going to explore a National park near Puntarenas Costa Rica. Traci will be in meetings and training basically until the ship departs for Lima Peru at 1800 on 5-21.

I think the last Voyage we were on it took almost a month to start to feel like you knew how things works. This one will be over in that time frame. We are lucky to know the ropes. We will again make the best of what time we have to explore , dream and discovery about ourselves , new cultures and people we will meet in these  developing Latin American countries.

Ship life will change dramatically tomorrow when the flood of college students arrive. Traci will be even more busy than she already is because she is return sailor.

Wishing you all well


Captain John

Latitude – 9’ 58.23N

Longitude – 084’ 48.82W


  1. Hi John, I'm so glad you made to the ship without any mishaps! Can't wait to hear all about your adventures. Love, Lisa Pizza (haven't said or written that name in a long time.)

  2. Same room! Wow... what a trip down memory lane as you begin another voyage. All the familiarity with the ship must make all the new adjustments, ports, and whatnot a lot easier! I am curious about Big D's perspective this time around!!

    If you can, I would love any samples of sand you can collect. :)

    Hugs to all of you!!!!

  3. I am glad you arrived safely. Now your journey begins. Thank you for the pictures and the blog. Thank you also for taking the time to write them. I look forward to sharing in your "new" life.
    Love Mom

  4. Hey Captain. Good to hear you guys made it to the ship safely and you're in your old digs. Still no baby...Maybe she's shooting for your birthday. I hope not! That seems like a lifetime from now.
    Give the monkeys and Trac hugs from T and me. We'll send an email as soon as we have news to share.
