Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Hi ,

We are almost to Manta Ecuador which is roughly 750 NM from Callao Peru.  Traci is off the entire time in Ecuador so we have what is shaping up to be a busy and interesting few days. We were granted the ability to disembark the ship early so we can catch a bus that will take us to a ferry which will bring us to Isla de la Plata sometimes known as the poor mans  Galapagos . We will get to see many of the unique creatures found on the famous Galapagos. Logistically it works for us and w/ the attention span of a child plus the fact we wouldn’t be scuba diving this will be a perfect substitute. We will be able to snorkel and hike.

The dependant children’s program went well this sea trip. Anna did particularly well developing a report on Ecuador. Layne has doing her journal and gathering facts about all sorts of animals. Declan is drawing w/ great imagination. The setting couldn’t be better for interesting subjects.

Traci is engaged w/ clinic and so far nothing she hasn’t been able to handle.  I have been doing my thing on the ship which is watching after a bunch of kids primarily our own, reading , exercising and looking to sea. Yesterday I saw a school of tuna!! We were about 50 miles off shore. I know it was tuna because I’ve seen it. We have also seen whales , Manta rays and flying fish.

Must prepare for port  … have a great day!!

“The valley spirit dies not.”  Tao

Capt Ron

Lat- 4’.39minutes N

Long- 81’. 47 minutes W

Sea depth 10827 feet


  1. Good Morning,
    What an exciting day you have planned. I am so glad Traci is free to be with you. Great the kids have so much to see and explore, write about, study and draw.... the best hands on education. Thank you for all your information. I look forward to it everyday.
    Love to all, Mom

  2. What a beautiful sunset!!! And the girls are soooooooooo grown up! I imagine the days at sea go fast -- glad to hear 'school' is going well. Enjoy Ecuador!

  3. Hi John, Great pictures - especially the sunset! I'm glad you are getting to do some things that you enjoy doing while watching the kids. Seeing the fish that you have is amazing! I'm also glad to hear that "school" is going well for all the kids. Glad everyone is doing well and have a great time in Ecuador!! Love, Lisa Pizza
