Saturday, September 18, 2010

Random shots

Hi All,
didn't have time to really post something , Dec and Layne are sick. This will be a long day... beautiful , calm and sunny yesterday turns to stormy , rainy and rough today.


  1. Hang in there JD ! You can always hit the couch with the kids and watch Pats vs. Jets today ....... oh that might not be available on the African coast. We miss you guys. Feel better.

  2. Poor Dec and Layne..I hope "sick" doesn't last too long.I guess the difficult dayscome too. Keep your humor and your great attitude.One of things I always said to myself when all of you were small was.."this too shall pass" and then I would realize that a time would come when I would wish I had you all small again.I hope tomorrow brings calm seas and "all better" chidren.
    Blessings on this Sunday.I will keep you in my prayers at Mass.
    Love Mom

  3. Do you think they make Dec's shirt in T.D.'s size? Hope he and Layne feel better soon.

  4. We know of a fabulous nurse!! Hope all is better and that Anna doesn't catch it. Victoria really misses her and is planning many adventures upon her of which is a sleepover here...thought I'd let you know to expect a grand reunion. She said today all excited: "Less than 3 months until Anna comes home!"
