Thursday, December 2, 2010

Dance Dance Dance

Hi All,

"You have to keep one foot in reality,Just not two!" Julliane Druffin

We crossed the international dateline a few days ago on this leg. We have travelled over 3000 NM so far from Yokohama to Hawaii. We now have a little over 300 to go which for us takes about a day averaging around 15-17 knots. The Pacific decided to keep things busy the whole way , we haven't seen a day or night w/ under a 7 foot swell.

Everyone is "Stoked" to get to Hawaii. It's a short stay but we are going to make the most of it. It seems to me we always do well when there is sun, sand, surf, and fish :) Forecast is looking strong, 83' and sunny! (I know I'll pay for that comment knowing we will be diving back into Old New England in the Winter, I just felt compelled.)

Today is the last day w/ the amazing tutor's . I don't know what we would have done w/out them. Let's hope Anna and Layne can apply it to classroom studies. I know they both learned a great deal on this Voyage. It will be an adjustment, the freedom they have here is unique and it has worked.

Anna recently did the shipboard talent show along w/ about 20 other acts. She and her little friend Kyle did a choreographed dance to "Party in the USA" . They got a standing ovation from a ruckus college crowd of about 700! It was wild, the music was loud the lights were spinning and flashing the sequins on their Indian dresses were shinning. Anna's self esteem has grown allot. This was all done by a little girl who was to afraid to join her classmates on stage to sing jingle bells two yrs ago!

Now last night Layne joined in the act. The dependent children all (10) got up at pre-port and did a traditional Hawaiian dance. They will be able to show you that. It was brilliant. We

filmed that one. Traci of course did a magnificently funny job at the medical team's pre-port skit. One of her line's in the 12 day's of Christmas was " And a Malaria mosquito bit me...." :) Good stuff. I must admit she saw all kinds of strange medical related issues on this Voyage. -Leaches covering people and getting infected, monkey bites (can you say rabies), Parasites, fainting, psychoses, broken bones, burns,sea urchin spines, STD's ... you name it . Of course she was confidential w/ the patients names but would often look to old Capt. JD for his diagnoses and remedy for a few laughs. My remedies were either very embarrassing or most likely more painful then the said injury.

We have finally arrived in Oahu Hawaii, we are docking as I write. This Captain Roman and crew are good. We had a rough sea for ten days including 10 foot swells as we approached land last night. Hopefully that bods well for the surf!!

Best j

ps I will post pictures of the girls dancing , I just wanted to get this off.

The pictures here are of Archbishop TuTu and his wife Leah's birthday party. One is taken w/ the Captain.


  1. Hi Everyone, loved this blog. It sounded so like you John. Congrats to Anna for gaining more self confidence on your voyage - that will serve her well all her life. I hope Layne had fun with her part of the show. Your description of all the ailments Traci has seen was amazing and your diagnoses and remedies were a riot. You should be a comedian. Have a great time in Hawaii!! Love, Lisa Pizza

  2. Aloha, Doherty's. love the tie Johnnie and Trac looks beautiful and relaxed. Enjoy Hawaii; wish you could get to Maui. I'm thrilled for Anna; how wonderful. look forward to speaking with you tonight. Anna sounded so grown up last night. love you all, Bump.

  3. It was wonderful to talk with all of you yesterday!Anna still sounded excited telling me all about her performance. I am so happy and proud of her! Looking forward to seeing Layne's Hawaiian dance.You and Traci are a beautifl and handsome couple! I can just imagine your medical solutions for Traci's patients. Relax and enjoy Hawaii. See you soon!
    Love to you all,

  4. Johnnie - I have so enjoyed your blog and all the pictures. We are all looking forward to your return. Wonder how any of you will be able to settle back into life on land after all your adventures and life changing experiences. Safe travels on the rest of your journey. ConnieN

  5. Hi all, I can't believe you are nearing the end of your journey! It went by so quickly on our end! Love the talent show stuff-so cute. Have a blast in Hawaii!!!! We picked up our tree yesterday and Callum is having fun smashing ornaments one by one... xoxo Cath
