Sunday, December 12, 2010

24,536 Nautical miles - A Voyage to remember forever

"Certainly, travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living" - Miriam Beard

Hi All,

Thank you for all your comments , it was always nice to here form you. We really enjoyed posting pictures and writing few words about the happening's during our Voyage. It will take time to process all we have been privileged to be a part of. I'll take the suggestion to follow up w/ a couple more blogs to let you know how the adjustment is working out.

We will be happy to see you all, and sad to say goodbye to all the new friends and people we met.

ps the picture of all the girls at the tables all helped us tutor and look after the kids at one point or another. We never could have stayed sane w/out them!!!
the dangerous looking soldier w/ the gun was our Coast Gaurd escort back to the USA mainland!

See you soon

Capt j

Latitude 27' 15' N

Longitude 124' 021 W


  1. Our journey has been a "following sea" with you. we are all so grateful and privileged to have shared with you your insights , your thoughts and your amazing experiences. I have gone back so many times to read again and look at your wonderful pictures. It has kept you all with me every day. Soon to see you all in "real"life. Happy day!!

  2. Good morning Doherty's and welcome home. you should be on dry land in about 3 hours. thanks for doing such a wonderful job of sharing your journey with all of us. can't wait to see you all Sunday. love to all, B&B. hope the Dec loves his big boy room.

  3. Hello Doherty Clan, Thank you for sharing such an amazing blue print of your voyage. It will be wonderful to see you all soon. Enjoy warm So.Cal and get ready for the white stuff at home. Merry Christmas! - Michael

  4. Hello to all the Doherty's . I've looked forward to reading about your journey from day one. Haven't met your kids yet - but this for sure is going to get me up to the Cape to do that. Tom is now living in Beverly, MA so I don't have much excuse anymore. Merry Christmas hugs to all of you from NJ!! Kathy Callori

  5. Hi Doherty's and welcome home!! We have learned much through your eyes on your journey around the world, thank you for sharing it with us and opening our hearts and minds. Victoria is getting giddy with the promise of seeing Anna soon. One of the many things she has learned from your voyage is just how quickly four months can pass...I don't know if it feels that way to you but to us it sure has! We'll give you a few days to settle in over on Myrtle Street but if you need anything before then, don't hesitate to call. See you soon! Warm wishes from back home where truly, there is no place like home...and, this is the sappy part everyone...I just have to say that I feel like through your phenomenal posts on the blog, that you have brought a group of compassionate folks together through the comments page. It may have been an unintentional part of doing the blog, or maybe it was intentional, but whatever it was, thank you for making it happen. While we don't know much about any of them (hello fellow followers and Doherty fans!), we can surmise that they are lovely people with hearts like yours. One of these days it would be fun to all meet in person...We're going to miss this little community that you've formed on Dohertybysea but it will be even more fun in person. See you soon!
    The Lesser Family

  6. Hi! Welcome home, and thank you so much for sharing all your adventures with us. Traci, sometime I'd love to chat with you about the medical experience as it's something I'd like to try! Hope to see you soon! Donna Wren
