Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Azores

Hi All,
My life as a family counselor , psychologist, teacher, game inventor , children's artist, low level mathematician has begun in earnest. Now I know what its like to be a full time Mom to a degree.
Don't give me too much credit Traci is around alot and never too far away. She has her work responsibilities as well.
We are putting together some of the great resources (bright enthusiastic students) We have set up some great one on one classroom time and just play time . The kids love it and seem to listen .
The days are filled and everyone sleeps well at night. We are covering so much ocean we are losing an hour on the clock each day. Tomorrow am between 0500 -0700 am we will be passing the Azores. There are many Peace Corp Alumni on the ship , Traci is the youngest of them.
The pool has been open for the last three days so the kids have been happy about that. Its just pumped in from the ocean. But the temp is about 73' and super clear.

Our current position:
latitude - 37' 40.5
longitude - 027'55.1W

course has moved a notch from 102' to 107'

We have now met Archbishop Desmond TuTu and his wife Leah at a few meals in a row now he comes down and eats with everyone pretty often.
He gave high fives to the girls and a fist bump to Mr. D very cool

Anna is going to watch the young ones while we go top deck for a little gathering from 9:00
We brought walkie talkies

Trying something new....

Love us


  1. Boy, it is so much fun following the trip...we have become daily readers! Couple of nuts and bolts questions:
    1) The Explorer looks quite modern, do you know when it was built?
    2) Is it a Bahamanian registry (Nassau)?
    3) What is the length and width (sorry for the landlubber context)
    4)How many colleagues and crew on board?
    5) Is there a GPS or something on board we could track from a PC or cell phone (without intruding onto a private cell phone number)? It would be fun to get a live fix on The Explorer.

    Keep the reports coming...even a couple lines.

    The Belmontians

  2. How amazing! Wish I was the Leah on the ship and would dive right into the pool with the kids. Really missing you on the first day of school here, but these entries help. Victoria says a big hello and check email when/if you can, there are a few notes to the kids. xo Leah and all the Lesser's
