Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Safari - South Africa

Hi All,

Hope all is well w/ you. We think of friends and family often on this voyage. It gives us all time to reflect on life. We were lucky enough to check out a Safari w/ the kids minus lil D because he would be too tasty a morsel I guess...

It all worked out well, he had a South African woman mind him while we were out in the Land Cruiser. We saw Lions, Rhinos, Giraffes, Zebras, cheetahs , Hippos, Kudu, Springboks, Buffalo, Wildebeest, Tortoise, birds galore, a huge variety of animals . The only one we didn't see was the Elephant (there's always India) . The guides taught us a great deal about animal habits and patterns.

It was very nice to see more of South Africa then Cape Town. The landscape is so very diverse , vast plains, huge mountians of stone , valleys of white Lilly's , farms , waterfalls , vineyards and utterly perfect beaches. You will also see the townships which are shacks and crammed together right off highways. Some are being rebuilt in places that resemble small section 8 housing at home. Jobs for the black man are scarce. The divide between rich and poor , black and white still quite evident in this land. More on that later.



Latitude - 33' 54.2 S

Longitude 018' 25.4E


  1. Your photos are breathtaking. Hope you are planningon publishing a book with all phtography when you get home - yet another cottage industry for you!! Miss you guys, Connie

  2. Don't know what FAMILY ON is - but just to avoid confusion - it's me - Connie from the office!!

  3. This is from the other Connie in your life,John...Mom
    Your pictures are so amazing.Were you that close to those animals? The zoo will never be the same for the girls.What a dichotomy between the beauty of the country and the desperate living of the poor.
    It was wonderful to hear your voice today and to hear Anna's happy voice! I am glad all is going well. I think of you all so often and imagine you in all these places and on the ship.
    You have brought new excitement to our lives.

  4. Your mom and Connie from your office are definitely right about your pictures all of them are beautiful. I also love your blogs and the trip sounds wonderful!!! Can't wait for more.
    Love, Lisa

  5. Wow, what a great trip. Love your blog, keep it coming. Traci: you look too happy, promise we won't lose you to perpetual journeys. We all miss you... Rich

  6. We'll say it again. Wellington certainly rocks, but your kids are learning more than even the best school could teach them. Is it too late to join you? Oh, then who would take care of the frogs and fish? We all miss you guys, but are loving being with you virtually. Please keep the stories and pics coming!
    The Lesser's

  7. Thank you for the kind words , it's nice for us to read anything from back home as well! Miss you all, The journey sails on....

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